Racial Unity
Many people in Evansville experience barriers to flourishing because of their race.

Percentage of Minority Population Across Census Tracts

Racial Diversity
Evansville has a majority-white population, with much of the minority population concentrated in the urban core.
This geographic segregation, illustrated on the map above, is largely the result of racially-discriminatory housing policies that prevented minorities, especially black families, from purchasing homes in certain neighborhoods.
Although these policies were abolished with the passing of the Fair Housing Act of 1968, they have shaped our city in such a way that black families disproportionately experience the disadvantages that come with living in low-income neighborhoods.

Population Percentage
Median Household Income By Ethnicity

Income & Ethnicity
Only two racial groups average yearly income above the area median income--white households, and Asian households.
The average yearly income for black and Hispanic families is below the area median income. Additionally, the average area income for black households is only about $1,000 more a year than the poverty wage threshold.

54% of black youth in Vanderburgh County experience poverty.
The poverty rate among all youth in the county is 20 - 25%.