Evansville's foreclosure rate is
higher than
the national average

Housing Availability
Evansville has a high amount of old, failing houses, which often come with high utility bills, making it difficult for residents to find a home that's safe, affordable, and available.
In 2013, the 9th Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey reported that Evansville had the most affordable housing market of any city with less than 1,000,000 people in the world.
While this designation was an honor for our city, the Sustainable Evansville Area Coalition noted that "blight, high vacancy rates, and dilapidated housing stock" is the reason we scored so high.
Housing Stability
Child Welfare
Economic Capacity
Mental Wellness
Racial Unity

Housing Stability
In order to flourish, people need a safe, affordable place to live.
What is affordable?
In order for a household to be affordable, the monthly rent or mortgage must be less than 30% of the renter or owner's gross annual income.

In Vanderburgh county, a full-time worker must earn $14.79 an hour in order to afford a 2-bedroom unit.
Affordable rent for a fulltime minimum wage worker is
per month
Average rent for a 2-bedroom apartment in Evansville is
per month
Hours of Work Needed at Minimum Wage
to Afford Market Rent

A minimum wage worker would have to work
82 Hours
per week to afford
a 2-bedroom unit

Evansville’s Point in Time Count has shown a 14% drop since 2014, but 427 people still experience homelessness on an average night.
With 1 in every 4 people experiencing poverty, homelessness continues to be a challenge for our city. According to the individuals surveyed in 2018, a lack of affordable housing was the number one reason for their circumstance.
Mental illness
About 1 in every 4 (109) of those in the 2018 Point in Time Count reported having a serious mental illness.
Foster Care
25% of former foster care youth experienced homelessness at some point in the last 4 years.

Housing Stability
& Poverty
While poverty exists across Evansville, households in poverty tend to be concentrated to particular neighborhoods.
Neighborhoods hold major influence over the socio-economic status of a household. They contain the systems, structures, opportunities, barriers, assets, challenges, and many of the conditions that effect financial well-being.
Percentage of Households in Poverty
Across Census Tracts

72% of adults in poverty &
78% of kids in poverty
are concentrated in
40% of the city.
"Evansville’s rate of foreclosure is 40% higher than the national average, and many of the homes that fell into foreclosure were the lower priced homes in the urban core, owned by lower income persons who...were forced to abandon their properties."
Department of Urban Development