Talking Points
Almost 1,000 children in Vanderburgh County have been placed in foster care, but there are only about 150 foster families to care for them.
While the need seems overwhelming, local experts have said that 150 foster families would reverse the shortage, and that number is well within the reach of the nearly 250 churches in Evansville.
Increasing the number of foster families may seem like a band-aid solution for a much bigger problem, but 75% of foster care cases are the result of generational patterns of behavior. Foster care is one way to intervene in that cycle.
Children in foster care are more likely to experience homelessness, incarceration, teen pregnancy, and substance abuse.
Foster care is a great way to respond to Jesus' command to love our neighbors and demonstrate his love to children in care, to the community, and to your biological children.
Kids in foster care share similar circumstances with orphans we often support oversees, whose parents are living but are unable or unwilling to take care of them.
You don't have to be a foster parent to be part of the solution. There are a number of ways to support foster families and children in foster care.